Holiday planters by volunteers.
Gordana Gerbick, George Skrivan, and David Gerbick spent many hours this past year maintaining and improving the landscape around our church and pavilion. Spring clean-up included trimming many shrubs and general cleaning of leaves and branches.
Decorative planters were filled with seasonal flowers, shrubs, and dry trimmings. All overgrown perennials were cut down or trimmed around the front of the church, hauled away, and finished with a fresh layer of mulch.
Gordana’s always willing to share her gardening skills with her neighbors and friends, and we are fortunate to enjoy the results. George has been cutting the grass in our Holy Cross Cemetery at no charge in his commitment to his St. Sava church. Many of our parishioners have shared their time, expertise, and talents with our church.
If you’d like to offer your skills, please see Fr. Marko (marko.matic@saintsava.net) or Tony (tony.settele@saintsava.net). There’s always a need for maintenance, repairs, and clean-up around the property.
Please consider making a donation today to our St. Sava Church with our convenient, secure online donation form at https://www.saintsava.net/donate/ here on our website.