Membership at St. Sava Church in Merrillville, Indiana voted to move forward in the year ahead with a familiar face as president and an active team of volunteer parishioners that will compose the Executive Board 2017.
The vote for board members took place at the Annual Membership Assembly Sunday, Jan. 22 and the Executive Board members took the oath of office Sunday, Jan. 29.
Danica Pejnovic will continue as President of the Executive Board for the second year in a row. In her President’s report summarizing activities she expressed appreciation for the honor of serving as president over the past year. Pejnovic added, “Thank you to all the members and volunteers who are the ‘key’ to the success of our church.”
St. Sava Church Executive Board 2017
- Danica Pejnovic – President
- Steve Baroevich – 1st Vice President
- President Lela Jensen – 2nd Vice President
- Miodrag Djordjevic – 3rd Vice President
- Ursula Brboric – Treasurer
- Simo Roknic – Financial Secretary
- Ana Jovanovic – Secretary
Members of the Board
- George Skrivan
- David Gerbick
- JoLynn Rudman
- Goran Kovac
- Mike Jaksich
- Olga Velasquez
- Ray Radjenovic (Building Committee)
- Vlad Stevanovic (Building Committee)
- Zeljko Novakovic (Building Committee)
- Arnfinn Grimsgard (Building Committee)
- Vinko Mancic (Fundraiser Committee)
- Stevo Kljajich
- Milorad Trkulja
Sunday School Board
- Jelena Pejnovic – President
- Nevena Djurdjevic – 1st Vice President
- Ljubica Popovic – 2nd Vice President
- Doris Manojlovic – Treasurer
- Sandy Shinovich – Secretary
Audit Board
- Mike Ajder
- Melanija Zlajic
- Milena Ivanovic