Join us for the celebration of Orthodox Christmas beginning with Divine Liturgy taking place at 9:00 a.m. and Great Vespers taking place at 6:00 p.m. Friday, January 6 at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church at 9191 Mississippi Street, Merrillville, Indiana.
The Blessing and burning of the Badnjak will take place immediately following the Great Vespers.
Divine Liturgy will take place Christmas morning beginning at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, January 7.
The complete listing of services taking place during this special time of the year is listed below.
The Spiritual Meaning of the Badnjak
Have you ever brought a Badnjak into your home? Do you know that the Badnjak is the finest and foremost custom of all the many traditions by which our people enhance the Christmas celebration?
Click here to read an article explaining the Spiritual Meaning of the Badnjak.
FRIDAY, January 6th
- CHRISTMAS EVE: Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM. Great Vespers at 6:00PM. Blessing and burning of Badnjak.
- БАДЊИ ДАН: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру. Празнично вечерње у 6:00 увече. Освећење и паљење Бадњака.
SATURDAY, January 7th
- CHRISTMAS: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
- БОЖИЋ: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру
SUNDAY, January 8th
- ALL HOLY MOTHER OF GOD FEAST: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
- САБОР ПРЕСВЕТЕ БОГОРОДИЦЕ: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру
MONDAY, January 9th
- СВЕТИ АРХИЂАКОН СТЕФАН: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру
- Cutting of Slava Kolach after Holy Liturgy
SATURDAY, January 14th
- ST. BASIL (SERBIAN NEW YEAR’S DAY): Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
- СВ. ВАСИЛИЈЕ (СРПСКА НОВА ГОДИНА): Св. Литургија у 9:00 ујутру
SUNDAY, January 15th
- SUNDAY 31st AFTER PENTECOST: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
- НЕДЕЉА 31. ПО ДУХОВИМА: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру
THURSDAY, January 19th
- HOLY THEOPHANY: Div. Liturgy and Great Blessing of Water at 9:00AM.
- БОГОЈАВЉЕЊЕ: Св. Литургија и Велико освећење воде у 9:00 ујутру.
FRIDAY, January 20th
- ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST: Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
- СВЕТИ ЈОВАН КРСТИТЕЉ: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру
- Cutting of Slava Kolach after Holy Liturgy
SUNDAY, January 22rd
- SUNDAY 32nd AFTER PENTECOST: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
- НЕДЕЉА 32. ПО ДУХОВИМА: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру
FRIDAY, January 27th
- ST. SAVA DAY: Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
- СВЕТИ САВА: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру
SUNDAY, January 29th
- ST. SAVA DAY CELEBRATION: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM. Blessing and cutting of Slava Kolach; Dinner and Program.
- CABИНДАH: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру. Светосавска Прослава. Сечење Славског колача, ручак и програм.