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Lidija Subotic – Memory Eternal ✝ Vjecnaja Pamjat

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The Clergy, Executive Board, and Members of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church express condolences to the family of Lidija Subotic. Memory eternal.

Lidija Subotic

Lidija Subotic (nee Ignatiev), age 95 of Hobart, passed away peacefully on June 1, 2023. Lidija was born in Russia-Ukraina in 1928 to Nikolaj and Olga (Parkevich) Ignatiev. She emmigrated to America with her husband and made their home in Hobart, IN. Lidija was a retired housewife and a dedicated member of St Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville.

She is preceded in death by her husband Mihajlo and her parents Nikolaj and Olga.

She is survived by loving friends and caretakers.

Funeral Services will take place, Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, 9191 Mississippi Street, Merrillville with a visitation beginning at 10:00 a.m. Interment Calumet Park Cemetery. For further information please call Mileva or David at Calumet Park Funeral Chapel 219-736-5840.

Blessing of graves Memorial Day Weekend 2023

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With the weekend of Memorial Day approaching, let us remember all of the departed from this life, their names and their deeds, and let us rededicate ourselves to work for peace and good will and love among all people.

Beginning Saturday, May 27 Father Marko Matic will be blessing graves at Graceland Cemetery and Angel Crest Cemetery in Valparaiso.

Sunday, May 28 Father Marko will be blessing graves at our Holy Cross Cemetery at St. Sava Church.

Monday, May 29 Father Marko will be blessing graves at Calumet Park Cemetery in Merrillville and Oak Hill Cemetery in Gary. The complete list of times is available below.

In these days when so much is said about the high cost of living, it is fitting to pause on Memorial Day and acknowledge the great price that thousands of others have paid that we might live in this land of freedom, the United States of America.

Memorial Day came as a result of Civil War. This was America’s greatest war – in the lives that were lost, in the issues and principles at stake, in the fact that it was fought on American soil, and in the results that have come from it. American Land flowed red with blood in this terrible conflict. It was fitting that a solemn day of memory be set aside for such a conflict as that.

Just as the Jewish people have their feast of Passover to remind them of their freedom from Egyptian bondage, so America has its Memorial Day to remind us of the Salvation and rebirth of the United States as a free nation.

Since that time, Memorial Day has become a national holiday to honor the dead of all wars. Even more, it has become a day in which fitting remembrance is made of all of our relatives, kumovi and friends who rest in peace.

On this Memorial Day Weekend, let us remember all of the departed from this life, their names and their deeds, and let us rededicate ourselves to work for peace and good will and love among all people.

Memorial Day Weekend May 27-29, 2023

Services offered by Saint Sava Church at the following locations:

Saturday, May 27:

  • 9:00 a.m. – Memorial Service and blessing of graves at the Graceland Cemetery in Valparaiso
  • 11:00 a.m. – Memorial Service and blessing of graves at the Angel Crest Cemetery in Valparaiso

Sunday, May 28:

  • Memorial Service and blessing of graves at the Holy Cross Cemetery (at Saint Sava Church) immediately after Holy Liturgy (approximately 12:00 p.m.)

Monday, May 29:

  • 10:00 a.m. – Memorial Service and blessing of graves at the Calumet Park Cemetery in Merrillville
  • 1:00 p.m. –  Memorial Service and blessing of graves at the Oak Hill Cemetery in Gary

Last chance to view the “Celebrating Serbian Women” exhibit at St. Sava Merrillville – Sunday, May 21

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The last day to view the “Celebrating Serbian Women” exhibit in the Historical Society’s “Milan Opacich Cultural Museum” at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville, Indiana will take place Sunday, May 21, 2023 beginning at Noon.

Special guests at this final showing of the exhibit will be members of the visiting Merrillville Historical Society.

After viewing the exhibit in the “Milan Opacich Cultural Museum” at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville, Indiana, everyone is invited to visit the Merrillville Historical Society for a tour the same day, Sunday, May 21 beginning at 2:00 p.m.

The exhibit at St. Sava Church will be replaced with a new exhibit that will launch on the first day of the annual Serb Fest taking place Friday, July 28.  The next exhibit will be titled “Immigration” and all parishioners are invited to share their stories, photos, and artifacts for display in this special collection for the next year.


Share your story and be part of the SerbFest 2023 Historical Exhibit at St. Sava in Merrillville

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The Historical Society at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville, Indiana is inviting members and parishioners to participate in the exhibit theme for this year’s 2023 Serb Fest focusing on our collective immigration experiences.

The Historical Society welcomes participation through the sharing of stories of your family or yourself as an immigrant to America.

Tell us about the journey: struggles, hardships, successes, and especially those who may have helped along the way. Finding work, schooling, making new friends, interacting with neighbors, learning the new language, and the role of the church were all part of adjusting to a new life.

Saint Sava’s Vrtikapa and Pujo families have a history of 5 generations in active membership! We have many 4th generation families. Many post WWII Serbian children were born in displaced person camps in Germany or Italy, while others had fathers who were prisoners of war.

Some members came as Chetniks and have fascinating stories of courage and resilience. Ellis Island was the processing and entry point for many immigrants who traveled by ship.

Members of St. Sava Church welcomed immigrants by providing sponsorship with housing and assistance in finding steady jobs. The Serbian National Defense loaned cash to arriving immigrants.

Some came during peaceful times; others immigrated after being driven from their homes in the 1990’s. Every family has a unique experience worth sharing.

We are collecting related artifacts that were brought here by you or a loved one. Examples would be: legal travel documents, photos, keepsakes, cookware, a coat, hat, dress, trunk or suitcase. Original items or copies will be displayed under heavy glass in a locked room. All items are on loan and will be returned at the end of the exhibit the following summer.

Invite your children to write the story to learn about their own family ancestry. Please limit your story to 2 pages plus photos and documents. If you would like assistance, one of our members would be happy to meet with you in person or take a phone interview to write your story.

Please have you stories completed by July 1, 2023. We look forward to showcasing the stories of Serbian immigrants who helped build this country and this beautiful church with hard work, integrity, and pride.

Dorothy Paunovich 510-289-9862 dorothyshops@&
Milica Ruzbasan 219-310-8255
Paul & Xenia Jancarich 219-242-0077

Paun Stankovich – Memory Eternal ✝ Vjecnaja Pamjat

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The Clergy, Executive Board, and Members of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church express condolences to the family of Paun Stankovich. Memory eternal.

Paun Stankovich

Paun Stankovich, age 83 of Crown Point, Lake of the Four Seasons, passed away peacefully, Saturday, May 6, 2023 with his family by his side. Paun is preceded in death by his parents Paun Stankovich preceded in death by parents Sima and Zivka (Stanisavljevic) Stankovich.

Paun is survived by his loving wife Smilja (Jovanovic) Stankovich;  beloved children, son Jovan (Dragana) Stankovich daughter Emily( Michael Buendia) Stankovich; cherished grandchildren, Aleksandar Stankovich, Anastasia Stankovich, Olivia Buendia; his two sisters Dusanka Petkovic and Danica Tufegdzich.

Visitation will be Friday, May 12, 2023 at the Calumet Park Funeral Chapel, 7535 Taft St, Merrillville from 12 noon to 4pm. Memorial Service will be held at 3pm, V. Rev. Marko Matic officiating. Final resting place for Paun will be in California with his family. For further information please call Mileva or David at (219) 736-5840.

Holy Week Schedule of Services 2023 – St. Sava Chuch in Merrillville, Indiana

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Holy Week and Easter Schedule of Services

    • Confession at 9:00 a.m.; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.– VRBICA
  • PALM SUNDAY – APRIL 9th 2023
    • Confession at 9:00; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.
  • HOLY WEDNESDAY – APRIL 12th 2023
    • Presanctified Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.
    • Holy Unction: St. Simeon South Chicago – 6:00 p.m.
  • HOLY THURSDAY – APRIL 13th 2023
    • Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.
    • The Great Vigil: Reading of 12 Passion Gospels at 6:00 p.m.
  • HOLY FRIDAY – APRIL 14th 2023
    • Morning Service / Royal Hours at 10:00 a.m.
    • Vespers with laying of Holy Shroud and Funeral Service at 6:00 p.m.
  • HOLY SATURDAY – APRIL 15th 2023
    • Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.
    • Resurrection Matins at 11:30 p.m.
  • PASCHA – APRIL 16th 2023
    • Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.
  • EASTER MONDAY – APRIL 17th 2023
    • Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.
  • EASTER TUESDAY – APRIL 18th  2023
    • Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.

Holy Week begins with Lazarus Saturday, April 8 and Palm Sunday, April 9

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Click to enlarge the flyer

Join us for a special day for children as we commemorate Lazarus Saturday (Vrbica Day) with Divine Liturgy and Holy Communion for children beginning at 10:00 a.m. and Confession beginning as early as 9:00 a.m. Saturday, April 8 at St. Sava Church in Merrillville.

Palm Sunday Services begin Sunday, April 9 at 10:00 a.m. with Confession beginning as early as 9:00 a.m.

This weekend marks the beginning of Holy Week with special services taking place daily. A complete list of services is available in the schedule below.

About Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday

Lazarus Saturday is the first day of the Great and Holy Week. On this day we commemorate Jesus raising his friend, Lazarus, from the dead. Lazarus Saturday is a paschal celebration, and is a preview of the Resurrection that we will celebrate one week later. At the Liturgy for this day, Christ is glorified as the Resurrection and the Life, and the baptismal verse “All you who have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ” replaces the Thrice Holy Hymn.  By raising Lazarus, Christ has confirmed that we all will one day be resurrected.

To gather willows we walk in a festive procession on Lazarus Saturday. Coming back is particularly solemn. The clergy in their festive Garb are followed by festively dressed school children. They sing while they walk to the accompaniment of church bells. From the voices of innocent children who carry their willow twigs as a symbol of Christ’s victory reverberates, “HOSANNA…!” it is customary that each child is given a small bell which is rung during the procession thus proclaiming the Solemn Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem.

The picture remains indelible in the minds of children and continues into their later years. This is where the beauty of Orthodoxy is presented to them; this is where true dogmatic beliefs penetrate their souls to grasp resurrection from death. The beautiful holiday Troparion convinces them as well as nature which rested all winter and emerges to show itself stronger and more luxuriant.

Palm Sunday is the holiday which commemorates the solemn entry of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ into Jerusalem six days before the Passover (Matt. 12:1-12).

As Jesus neared the Mount of Olives, He sat on an ass and entered into the Holy City. Throngs of inspired people greeted Him as their King, singing and strewing their garments and green branches in His path as He rode. The crowds followed Him, carrying Palms in their hands and crying, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”

In remembrance of that event the first Christians established the holiday, Palm Sunday. With the celebration of Palm Sunday the custom to bless palm branches was established to celebrate Christ’s victory.

Even prior to the Christian era Palms were awarded as a sign of victory.  Palms, always green, are said by old beliefs, grown out of their ashes. It signifies the glory of a victor who deserves an immortal name.

Heroes were greeted and decorated with palms. Therefore, the people greeted the Savior with palms because nothing could have dissuaded His voluntary sufferings: no Gethsemane horrors, no injustice of Judean courts, no insidious leaders, not even His mother’s love nor Golgotha’s horrible sufferings.

In pictures, palms in the hands of angels or saints represent their victory over the earth and remind us of a beautiful place in Revelations, “Then I saw many people of all languages, generations and races standing before the throne and lamb, dressed in white garb, and palms in their hands.”

The word “palma” according to the Greek fine interpretation was a phoenix with which Christ was met, or in a wider interpretation may mean a bud or a shoot.

In regions where there are no palms, a willow is blessed because it is the first one to become green after winter. It reminds us of a general resurrection. Our presence at the church service with green willows in our hand witnesses our belief in Christ victory over death.

Holy Week and Easter Schedule of Services

    • Confession at 9:00 a.m.; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.– VRBICA
  • PALM SUNDAY – APRIL 9th 2023
    • Confession at 9:00; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.
  • HOLY WEDNESDAY – APRIL 12th 2023
    • Presanctified Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.
    • Holy Unction: St. Simeon South Chicago – 6:00 p.m.
  • HOLY THURSDAY – APRIL 13th 2023
    • Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.
    • The Great Vigil: Reading of 12 Passion Gospels at 6:00 p.m.
  • HOLY FRIDAY – APRIL 14th 2023
    • Morning Service / Royal Hours at 10:00 a.m.
    • Vespers with laying of Holy Shroud and Funeral Service at 6:00 p.m.
  • HOLY SATURDAY – APRIL 15th 2023
    • Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.
    • Resurrection Matins at 11:30 p.m.
  • PASCHA – APRIL 16th 2023
    • Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.
  • EASTER MONDAY – APRIL 17th 2023
    • Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.
  • EASTER TUESDAY – APRIL 18th  2023
    • Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land – October 10-20, 2023

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Join the Pilgrimage to Holy Land, an 11 day trip taking place October 10-20, 2023 with Father Marko Matic of Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Merrillville, IN and Father Aleksandar Savic of Saint Simeon Serbian Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL.

Fr. Marko Matic, Fr. Aleksandar Savic, and Christian Guide will meet your party at the airport and accompany you every step of the way as you walk in the footsteps of Jesus. You will visit the Sea of Galilee, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Jericho, and more.

Learn complete trip details and download a brochure by clicking the link below:

Official Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 2023 Website – details about trip and brochure

Important Dates and Information

  • Due by June 26, 2023
    • Enrollment Form
    • $500 Deposit
    • Travel protection payment (if purchasing)
    • Copy of your passport picture page
  • Mail to:

Attention: Mirela Krstic
85 Park Ave.
Flemington, NJ 08822

  • Due by August 11. 2023
    • Final payment


Dragica Trikich-Spletzer – Memory Eternal ✝ Vjecnaja Pamjat

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The Clergy, Executive Board, and Members of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church express condolences to the family of Dragica Trikich-Spletzer. Memory eternal.

Dragica Trikich-Spletzer

Dragica Trikich-Spletzer, age 89, of Crown Point, formerly of Drvar, Bosna, passed away March 17, 2023.

She was a member of the St. Sava Circle of Serbian Sisters where she took pride in preparing foods for celebrations, and the yearly Serb Fest. She remained active with the Sisters.

Her story is that in 1968 she emigrated to the Region with her husband Nebojsa and their two children, where she found a very young Rade Petrovich and kept him close throughout her life. After the first year, Nebojsa passed at age 36. She continued to nurture her children in the Serbian community.

When both her children were settled, she married Richard. They traveled, throughout the world and often visited Vegas. They were members of the Sportsmen Club, along with her brother Milan and Carolyn Tomich. Like her father Branko, she sponsored and arranged for family members and friends to emigrate and to visit the U.S.

Dragica was known for her philanthropy. Thru her efforts, she helped to raise funds for war effort and relief for Serbian soldiers. She was able to reopen a shoe factory to make boots for them. Dragica was instrumental in rebuilding the church in her birthplace and then the re-interment of her brother Dragan on those consecrated grounds. Even in her final weeks she continued to send money to Bosna, this time to a friend in need.

Dragica was preceded in death by Nebojsa Trikich; parents- Branko and Stefanija Tomich; sister- Dusanka and Danica; also Richard Spletzer.

She is survived by her son- Bogoljub, and daughter- Bozana; four grandchildren and five great grandchildren, as well as many nieces and nephews.

The visitation will take place Tuesday, March 21, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. until the time of the funeral service at 10:00 a.m. at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, 9191 Mississippi Street, Merrillville, IN. She will be buried at Calumet Park Cemetery next to her husband and parents. Father Marko Matic officiating. Burns Funeral Home, Crown Point entrusted with arrangements.

Join us for Zadusnice Memorial Service – Saturday, February 18 – St. Sava, Merrillville, Indiana

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Please join us for a special Zadusnice Memorial Service taking place Saturday, February  18, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. at St. Sava Church, Merrillville, IN.

We encourage anyone to attend. There is no need to bring anything special to this service other than your memories and prayers for your loved ones. However, we do encourage you to write down a list of departed family members and friends, if you wish, to bring with you to the service so that we may read the names and remember all of them.

The purpose of the memorial service is to bring comfort to both the living and the dead. As is sung in the concluding song – Memory Eternal – it also helps us keep the memory of loved ones alive.

Zadusnice, also known as Saturday of Souls or All Souls’ Day, is a day commemorating the faithful departed, particularly but not exclusively one’s relatives. This special observance takes place on a Saturday, a traditional day for prayer for the dead, because Christ lay dead in the Tomb on Saturday.

For the Zadusnice observance, there is normally a Panikhida (memorial service) served on the Saturday morning for which Koliva (a dish made of boiled wheatberries and honey) is prepared and placed in front of the cross or icon with a lit candle, before which the Panikhida is served.

After the service, the priest blesses the koliva and it is then eaten as a memorial by all present.

Zadusnice Memorial Service takes place four times per year. If you are not available this Saturday, we encourage you to join us for the next Zadusnice Memorial Service