
General Information/News

St. Sava annual membership meeting agenda now available; meeting scheduled – Sunday, Feb. 25

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The Executive Board of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church has shared the agenda for the Annual Membership Meeting taking place Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at the South Wing Social Center of St. Sava Church, located at 9191 Misssissippi Street in Merrillville, Indiana.

It is important to note that membership dues must be up-to-date before the day of the meeting. Members are encouraged to make arrangements to make sure dues are paid and up-to-date prior to February 25. Call the office at 219-736-9191 for more information or to make appropriate arrangements.

This annual meeting will take place in accordance with the by-laws of the Church-School Parish, Part III, Article 16 (a, b, and c), the Annual Membership Assembly of the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Parish membership.

All current members are encouraged to attend to gain important insights about church operations and to vote for the new Executive Board that will provide leadership throughout 2022 until the next annual meeting in early 2023.

Annual Membership Assembly 2024 Agenda

The Executive Board proposes the following agenda:

  1. Opening of Assembly with prayer
  2. Establishment of the Quorum
  3. Election of the Assembly President
  4. Confirmation of the proposed agenda
  5. Acceptance of the minutes of the 2023 Annual Assembly
  6. Discussion and acceptance of the Executive Board reports:
    • Parish Priest
    • Financial Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Church School Report
    • Executive Board President
  7. Report of the Audit Board
  8. Report from all organizations including financial balance sheerts
    1. This includes Sunday School, Kolo, Folklore, Choir, and Historical Society
  9. Determination of all financial and fringe benefits for the Parish Priest and other employees.
  10. Questions and proposals for the good of the Parish
  11. Election of delegates for the Diocesan Assembly
  12. Dismissal of the old Board and election of the new Board
  13. Closing of the Assembly with prayer


Minutes of the 2023 Annual meeting will be attached to each member’s 2023 Report. In order to save time and spare our members of the need to have the 2023 minutes read, members will have ample time before the meeting to read the minutes. This rule was unanimously passed at the 1989 General Assembly.

Stevo Djankovic – Memory Eternal ✝ Vjecnaja Pamjat

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The Clergy, Executive Board, and Members of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church express condolences to the family of Stevo Djankovic. Memory eternal.

Stevo Djankovic

Stevo Djankovic, aged 64 of Hobart, IN passed away on January 26th, 2024. He was born June 25, 1959 in Perna, Yugoslavia (Modern day Croatia). Stevo came to the US in his early 20s and worked as a millwright and machinist for several different companies for 43 years. Stevo was an active member of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church where he enjoyed volunteering at the lamb area for many events. He was also a member of M. L. McClelland #357 Masonic Lodge in Hobart.

He is preceded in death by his Mother Julika Djankovic.  Stevo is survived by his father Ljubomir Djankovic, Daughter Juliana Djankovic, Grandson Logan, Brother Jovo Djankovic, Sister Mara, Nephews Steven & Marco, Niece Julia as well as many friends & loved ones with special acknowledgment to Virgil & Brenda Clary.

Funeral Services will take place Saturday, February 3, 2024 at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, 9191 Mississippi Street, Merrillville, IN at 11:00 a.m. Visitation will begin at 10:00 a.m. with V. Rev Marko Matic officiating. Interment Holy Cross (St. Sava) Cemetery, Merrillville, IN. Vecnaja Pamjat.

For further information please call Mileva or David at Calumet Park Funeral Chapel, 219-736-5840.

Fragment of the True Cross of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ at St. Sava Serbian Church in Merrillville, Indiana – January 18

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Father John of the Greek Orthodox Church, visiting from Greece will be present to bless and cross all who wish to come and venerate the Cross of Christ during special hours Thursday, January 18 from Noon to 7:00 p.m. at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Merrillville, Indiana.

  • St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
    9191 Mississippi Street
    Merrillville, Indiana 46410

Fr. John has been granted the high honor of carrying a fragment of the True Cross of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, which has worked and continues to work miracles amongst the faithful, and through God’s Providence even those who are found lacking of such faith.

During the period of Greek captivity under the Ottoman Turks, and prior, many monasteries, Churches, and places of worship were desecrated and destroyed, resulting in the destruction and loss of many priceless spiritual relics and treasures from amongst the glory of Christendom.  This reality encouraged the priests, hierarchies, and Holy Fathers of the Great Church of Christ, that is the Orthodox Church, to distribute these holy artifacts amongst the faithful, entrusting to them the safeguarding of such spiritual gifts until the time was fulfilled and they were instructed on how to act with regards to these articles, icons, relics, and even pieces and fragments of the True Cross of Christ.

One fragment of the True Cross, embedded also with the sacrificial blood of our Lord, was found to be with a pious woman in Greece.  The Mother of God appeared to her instructing her to deliver the Cross to Fr John when he was still a young priest, which this pious soul was faithful to do, according to our Lady’s instructions.  Surrendering the Cross, it is until this day under the care of Father John.

The gift of the Lord’s Salvation has come to grace St. Sava’s Church.  This Thursday the Cross will be present for all those who are able and willing to come to the Lord and turn to Him that they should be healed.  All who are able and all who ail are encouraged to come.

Celebrations begin Christmas Eve at St. Sava in Merrillville – Saturday, January 6

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Join us for the celebration of Orthodox Christmas beginning with Divine Liturgy taking place at 9:00 a.m. and Great Vespers taking place at 6:00 p.m. Saturday, January 6 at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church at 9191 Mississippi Street, Merrillville, Indiana.

The Blessing and burning of the Badnjak will take place immediately following the Great Vespers.

Divine Liturgy will take place Christmas morning beginning at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, January 7.

The complete listing of services taking place during this special time of the year is listed below.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Badnjak


Burning of the Badnjak outside the Pavilion at St. Sava Church, Merrillville, Indiana.

Have you ever brought a Badnjak into your home? Do you know that the Badnjak is the finest and foremost custom of all the many traditions by which our people enhance the Christmas celebration?

Click here to read an article explaining the Spiritual Meaning of the Badnjak.


SATURDAY, January 6th

    • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM.
    • Great Vespers at 6:00PM. Blessing and burning of Badnjak.
    • Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру.
    • Празнично вечерње у 6:00 увече. Освећење и паљење Бадњака.

SUNDAY, January 7th

  • CHRISTMAS: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
  • БОЖИЋ: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру

MONDAY, January 8th

  • ALL HOLY MOTHER OF GOD FEAST: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
  • САБОР ПРЕСВЕТЕ БОГОРОДИЦЕ: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру

TUESDAY, January 9th

  • ST. STEPHEN THE ARCHDEACON: Divine Liturgy 9:00AM
  • СВЕТИ АРХИЂАКОН СТЕФАН: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру
  • Cutting of Slava Kolach after Holy Liturgy

SUNDAY, January 14th

  • ST. BASIL (SERBIAN NEW YEAR’S DAY): Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
  • СВ. ВАСИЛИЈЕ  (СРПСКА НОВА ГОДИНА): Св. Литургија у 10:00 ујутру

FRIDAY, January 19th

  • HOLY THEOPHANY: Div. Liturgy and Great Blessing of Water at 9:00AM.
  • БОГОЈАВЉЕЊЕ: Св. Литургија и Велико освећење воде у 9:00 ујутру.

SATURDAY, January 20th

  • ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST: Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • СВЕТИ ЈОВАН КРСТИТЕЉ: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру
  • Cutting of Slava Kolach after Holy Liturgy

SUNDAY, January 21st

  • ST. SAVA DAY CELEBRATION: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM.  Blessing and cutting of Slava Kolach; Dinner with Children’s Play and Program.
  • CABИНДАH: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру. Светосавска Прослава. Сечење Славског колача, ручак и програм.

SATURDAY, January 27th

  • ST. SAVA DAY: Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • СВЕТИ САВА: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру
  • SAINT SAVA BALL: 7:00 PM – GALA dress code/black tie – Saint Sava Pavilion

SUNDAY, January 28th

  • SUNDAY 34th AFTER PENTECOST: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
  • НЕДЕЉА 34. ПО ДУХОВИМА: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру

Stevan Micic keynote speaker at 109th Anniversary Celebration at St. Sava Merrillville – Sunday, Nov. 26

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The celebration of the 109th anniversary and the 32 year anniversary since the consecration of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville, Indiana will begin Sunday, November 26, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. with Divine Liturgy and a banquet following that is scheduled to begin at 12:30 p.m.

Special guest speakers at the banquet will include His Grace Bishop Longin and Stevan Micic – the 2023 Gold Medal World Champion Wrestler representing Serbia.

Schedule Anniversary Celebration – November 26, 2023

  • 10:00 a.m. – Divine Hierarchial Liturgy, followed by Memorial Service and laying of Memorial Wreaths
  • 12:30 p.m. – Anniversary Banquet and Program at the St. Sava Event Center, Merrillville, Indiana
  • St. Sava Hymn, Posting of Colors, and National Anthem – S.S.S. Karageorge Choir
  • Welcoming and Introduction of Guests
  • Greetings and Introduction of Special Guest
  • Keynote Speaker Stevan Micic
  • Special Presentation by His Grace Bishop Longin

About Keynote Speaker Stevan Micic

Stevan Micic was born April 4, 1996, in Mesa, Arizona, to parents Stevan and Lori Micic. Stevan grew up in Northwest Indiana, and graduated from Hanover Central Hight School in Cedar Lake, Indiana in 2014. That same year he was named the Indiana state recipient of the Dave Schultz High School Excellence Award.

After high school, Stevan attended Northwestern University for one year and then went to the University of Michigan for his undergraduate and graduate degrees, where he was very active in wrestling.

At the end of 2018, he had a collegiate wresting record of 74 wins and 13 defeats. He was three-time Indiana state wrestling champion. Steven competed for the USA at the 2015 Junior World Championships in Salvador, Brazil, winning a bronze medal. In 2018 he joined the Serbian National Wrestling Team, winning two bronze medals at the European Championships.

At the 2023 World Wrestling Championships in Belgrade, he won a gold medal. Stevan is the first wrestler representing Serbia to win a medal in men’s freestyle wrestling at the World Wrestling Championships.

Saint Sava Church is prod to recognize Stevan Micic as a contributing member of the parish and as the guest speaker for the Church’s 108th Anniversary celebration.

109th anniversary of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church takes place Sunday, November 26 in Merrillville, Indiana

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The celebration of the 109th anniversary and the 32 year anniversary since the consecration of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville, Indiana will begin Sunday, November 26, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. with Divine Liturgy and a banquet following that is scheduled to begin at 12:30 p.m.

Special guest speakers at the banquet will include His Grace Bishop Longin and Stevan Micic – the 2023 Gold Medal World Champion Wrestler representing Serbia.

Schedule Anniversary Celebration – November 26, 2023

  • 10:00 a.m. – Divine Hierarchial Liturgy, followed by Memorial Service and laying of Memorial Wreaths
  • 12:30 p.m. – Anniversary Banquet and Program at the St. Sava Event Center, Merrillville, Indiana
  • St. Sava Hymn, Posting of Colors, and National Anthem – S.S.S. Karageorge Choir
  • Welcoming and Introduction of Guests
  • Greetings and Introduction of Special Guest
  • Keynote Speaker Stevan Micic
  • Special Presentation by His Grace Bishop Longin

About Keynote Speaker Stevan Micic

Stevan Micic was born April 4, 1996, in Mesa, Arizona, to parents Stevan and Lori Micic. Stevan grew up in Northwest Indiana, and graduated from Hanover Central Hight School in Cedar Lake, Indiana in 2014. That same year he was named the Indiana state recipient of the Dave Schultz High School Excellence Award.

After high school, Stevan attended Northwestern University for one year and then went to the University of Michigan for his undergraduate and graduate degrees, where he was very active in wrestling.

At the end of 2018, he had a collegiate wresting record of 74 wins and 13 defeats. He was three-time Indiana state wrestling champion. Steven competed for the USA at the 2015 Junior World Championships in Salvador, Brazil, winning a bronze medal. In 2018 he joined the Serbian National Wrestling Team, winning two bronze medals at the European Championships.

At the 2023 World Wrestling Championships in Belgrade, he won a gold medal. Stevan is the first wrestler representing Serbia to win a medal in men’s freestyle wrestling at the World Wrestling Championships.

Saint Sava Church is prod to recognize Stevan Micic as a contributing member of the parish and as the guest speaker for the Church’s 108th Anniversary celebration.

Mihailo (Michael) V. Dobrich – Memory Eternal ✝ Vjecnaja Pamjat

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The Clergy, Executive Board, and Members of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church express condolences to the family of Mihailo (Michael) V. Dobrich. Memory eternal.

Mihailo (Michael) V. Dobrich

Mihailo (Michael) V. Dobrich, age 87, of Merrillville passed away October 28, 2023. Mihailo was born July 28,1936 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia to the late Velibor M. Dobrich, a former Yugoslav Royal Army Colonel and late Darinka (Kocic) Dobrich, a former schoolteacher.  He was preceeded in death by Sister Danica and Brother-in-Law Aleksandar Trifunovic.

Mihailo met Ljiljana Tesovic in 1974 while she was visiting family. They were married on November 23, 1978 at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Hobart, IN. He was a loving husband to Ljiljana and doting father to his Pilence, Doris. His family was his world and he would do everything for them.

Mihailo had many talents in his lifetime. In addition to English and Serbian, he was fluent in French and Russian. Early on in Belgrade, he was a professional cyclist for Beogradski Sportski Klub. He was also a talented artist and was the youngest Cartoonist at 18 years of age to illustrate for the Yugoslav Satire Magazine, JEZ.

In 1956, he left Yugoslavia for Austria, and then Paris, France for 1 year before coming to Gary, Indiana to reunite with his father after 18 years apart. His mother and sister rejoined the family soon after.

Mihailo worked as a Commercial Artist at U.S. Steel in Gary from 1957-1971, and was a member of the Glee Club.  He received his B.S. in Education in 1971 and M.S. in education in 1973 from Indiana University Northwest. He spent his summers at Aix en Provence, France from 1974 – 1978 and received his second Master’s in French Literature.

Mr. Dobrich was a beloved fifth grade teacher at Bailey Elementary in Lake Station, IN from 1971-1974. He then moved to Edison Sr. High School in Lake Station as the French Teacher for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. He was affectionately known as DOB and DOBI by his students. His humor and wit in addition to his artistic posters invited his students into the French culture and language. The H.S. students took French just to be in Mr. Dobrich’s class. He was the sponsor of French Club, and was an illustrator of “Eagle Feathers”, the High School newspaper. He retired in 1999 but he continued his love of education in retirement and became a Substitute Teacher in the Merrillville Schools, this time affectionately known as Mr. Sub.

In addition to his Teaching career, Mihailo taught cartooning and French at Kid’s College at Indiana University Northwest. He was a member of PHI DELTA KAPPA, the association of professional educators and served as President. And like many teachers, he had his side business, Dobrich Signs. He did freestyle sign painting all over N.W. Indiana and Chicago area. He lettered trucks, cars, walls, boards, and posters with his steady, delicate hand. In an age where digital art became popular, he continued his artistic trade that was valued by his clients.

Mihailo was a faithful member of St. Sava Church. He served on the Executive Board for many years as the Serbian Secretary, and he was Chairman of Serbian Day in July. But, most people would remember the hundreds of business posters ads he created for the Annual Golf Tournament and Serb Fest. His huge Serb Fest Signs were visible all over Northwest Indiana.

Mihailo is survived by his loving wife, Ljiljana, Daughter Doris (Alan) Manojlovic, cherished grandchildren, Olivera and Nikola. He leaves behind niece Ariane Montemurro and family of TN, nephew Robert Trifunovic M.D and family of CA,  cousin Branimir Dobric and family of Belgrade, Serbia, and many friends, family, and kumovi in the USA and abroad.

The loss of Mihailo leaves a huge hole in our hearts and he is missed beyond words can describe. He was one of a kind, with his humor, heart, and personality. And if you met him, you never forgot him.

Visitation for dear Mihailo will take place Friday, November 3, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, 9191 Mississippi St., Merrillville, IN with Funeral Service beginning at 11:00 a.m.  V Rev Marko Matic officiating. Interment Holy Cross (St. Sava) Cemetery Merrillville, IN. Donations can be made to St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church or it’s Karageorge Choir. Vecnaja Pamjat. For further information please call Mileva at Calumet Park Funeral Chapel (219) 736-5840.

Tomislav Borjan – Memory Eternal ✝ Vjecnaja Pamjat

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The Clergy, Executive Board, and Members of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church express condolences to the family of Tomislav Borjan. Memory eternal.

Tomislav Borjan

Tomislav Borjan, age 74, of Hobart passed away peacefully on September 2, 2023, with his family by his side.  Tomo was born January 10, 1949, in Drniš, Yugoslavia to the late Nikola and Marija (Popac) Borjan.  Tomo was a loving husband of 50 years to Dragica Borjan, also of Drniš, Yugoslavia.  Though their villages were only separated by a small mountain, Tomo met Dragica upon emigrating to the United States in 1975.  Six months after meeting, they were married at St. Sava church in Gary, Indiana.

Tomo was a trained mason in Split, Yugoslavia.  He went on to work in Benghazi, Libya where he spent several years building a university.  He then returned to his family in Yugoslavia, including his sister, Milka, and brother, Stevo, before emigrating to the United States.  Tomo worked as brick layer at United States Steel for 35 years.  Through his hard work, he was able to provide an education to his three children.

Tomo is survived by his loving wife Dragica; children Marija (Paul), Branka (Toby) and Nikola; granddaughter Lilijana; Kumovi Crncević; and nephews Ante and Tomislav Pleadin.

Tomo was a faithful member of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church.  He lived for his granddaughter, Lili.  He had a natural talent for gardening.  Strangers would stop and take pictures of the beautiful flowers he’d planted.  Tomo had a curiosity for life, always reading and watching documentaries.  He enjoyed sports and western films.  His wisdom and always well-chosen words will be cherished.  He had an incredible sense of empathy toward others and could find joy in even the smallest things.

Tomo was the best husband and father anyone could ask for.  He was an incredible human being.  He will live on in our hearts forever.

Visitation for Tomo will be Friday, September 8, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, 9191 Mississippi St., Merrillville with Funeral Service beginning at 11:00 a.m. V. Rev. Marko Matic officiating. Interment Calumet Park Cemetery. For further information please call Mileva or David at Calumet Park Funeral Chapel (219) 736-5840. Vecnaja Pamjat.

Zagorka Micic – Memory Eternal ✝ Vjecnaja Pamjat

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The Clergy, Executive Board, and Members of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church express condolences to the family of Zagorka (Zaga) Micic. Memory eternal.

Zagorka Micic

Zagorka (Zaga) Micic, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by loved ones Wednesday August 23, 2023.  Born in Dvorovi, Yugoslavia April 12, 1938 to late Andrija & Stana Mihajlovic.  She was a loving wife to late Stevan Micic and she was an amazing mother to daughter; Marija (Vinko) Topalovic, daughter; Ivanka Rada (Milos) Tomich; and grandchildren Natasha, Marko (Chrissy) and great Grandson, Bogdan. Son Milos (Lori) Micic and grandchildren, Stevan, Ivana (Dyllan) Bakker, and Tatiana. Son Ljuboje Micic, grandchildren Danijela, Alek, and Kristina.

Also survived by loving sister Milica (Mijo) Loncarovic and family; and loving brother Dobrinko (Goja) Mihajlovic and family, as well as numerous Kumovi and lifelong friends.

Zaga was a lifelong member of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church and Kolo.  She lived for her late husband and children.  She had a great appreciation for beautiful flowers, plants, and trees.  She was known for her baking and generous heart.  She was a giver and rejoiced mostly in doing for her family.  She adored her parents and always talked of her siblings and their respective families in Serbia.  Zaga was a very independent, smart, and spunky woman.  She will be missed by many.

Funeral Services will take place Friday, August 25, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, 9191 Mississippi St., Merrillville, IN with a visitation beginning at 8:00 a.m. V. Rev Marko Matic officiating. Interment New Gracanica Cemetery, 35240 West Grant Ave, Lake Villa IL 60046. For any further information please call Mileva or David at Calumet Park Funeral Chapel, 219-736-5840.

Vesa Wolanyk – Memory Eternal ✝ Vjecnaja Pamjat

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The Clergy, Executive Board, and Members of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church express condolences to the family of Vesa Wolanyk. Memory eternal.

Vesa Wolanyk

Vesa (Galić) Wolanyk, age 88 of Griffith passed away peacefully at home on July 1, 2023 with her family by her side.

Vesa was born April 25, 1935 in Donje Peulje, Bosnia to parents Dušan & Jela Galić. She came to the U.S. in 1967 to have a better life to be with her uncles, aunts, cousins & family. In 1974 she married Dmytro  Wolanyk. She had her only daughter in 1976 Tamara Jelena.

Vesa was a member of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church and it’s Circle of Serbian Sisters. She worked at St. Mary Medical Center Hospital in Hobart for 9 years in the Dietary department.

She was preceded in death by husband Dmytro Wolanyk in 2008, parents Dušan & Jela Galić, sister Milica Ačamović and brothers Slavko & Dravko Galić.

She is survived by her loving daughter Tamara Jelena (James) Papenleur; one sister Milica Ajduković; one brother Miloš Galić both from Serbia and many loving family, friends kumovi, throughout U.S., Canada & Europe

She enjoyed helping at her St. Sava Serb Fest in the bakery and folklore festivals, and she will be well remembered for her many years of dedication to her church. She enjoyed being a “True” historian of “Selo” stories drinking coffee with her family, friends & Kumovi.

Vesa loved watching “Friends ” TV show, Wheel of Fortune, doing cross words, enjoying her coffee candy & lastly NBA basketball.

She was a sister, a Kuma, a Tetka, a friend, a strong Bosanka & the “Best” mama with a “heart of gold” that anyone could ask for.

Vesa is survived by her loving daughter Tamara Jelena (Son in law James Papenleur), one sister Milica Ajduković and one brother Miloš Galić both from Serbia many cousins, kumovi & family throughout U.S., Canada & Europe

Our wounded Mother bird may you fly away into the heavens and meet your other loved ones. Vječnaja Pamjat  Memory Eternal

Funeral Services will take place Saturday, July 8, 2023 at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, 9191 Mississippi St, Merrillville with a visitation from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. and Funeral beginning at 9:00 a.m., V. Rev Aleksandar Novakovic officiating.

Interment New Grancanica Monastery Cemetery 35240 W. Grant Ave, Lake Villa, Il 60046. May her memory be Eternal Vecnaja Pamjat!

For further information please call Mileva or Dave at Caluemt Park Funeral Chapel 219-736-5840.