Father John of the Greek Orthodox Church, visiting from Greece will be present to bless and cross all who wish to come and venerate the Cross of Christ during special hours Wednesday, October 12 from Noon to 6:00 p.m. at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Merrillville, Indiana.
- St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
9191 Mississippi Street
Merrillville, Indiana 46410
Fr. John has been granted the high honor of carrying a fragment of the True Cross of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, which has worked and continues to work miracles amongst the faithful, and through God’s Providence even those who are found lacking of such faith.
During the period of Greek captivity under the Ottoman Turks, and prior, many monasteries, Churches, and places of worship were desecrated and destroyed, resulting in the destruction and loss of many priceless spiritual relics and treasures from amongst the glory of Christendom. This reality encouraged the priests, hierarchies, and Holy Fathers of the Great Church of Christ, that is the Orthodox Church, to distribute these holy artifacts amongst the faithful, entrusting to them the safeguarding of such spiritual gifts until the time was fulfilled and they were instructed on how to act with regards to these articles, icons, relics, and even pieces and fragments of the True Cross of Christ.
One fragment of the True Cross, embedded also with the sacrificial blood of our Lord, was found to be with a pious woman in Greece. The Mother of God appeared to her instructing her to deliver the Cross to Fr John when he was still a young priest, which this pious soul was faithful to do, according to our Lady’s instructions. Surrendering the Cross, it is until this day under the care of Father John.
The gift of the Lord’s Salvation has come to grace St. Sava’s Church. This Wednesday the Cross will be present for all those who are able and willing to come to the Lord and turn to Him that they should be healed. All who are able and all who ail are encouraged to come.